New Way of Worship


In the midst of Coronavirus and COVID-19

During this time when we are all pushed to think more creatively, especially as we do the work of ministry, we can follow the principles laid out for us by the God who is creative and who created us in God’s image.  You are probably already creatively ministering during this time that appears to be our “new normal.”   Here are some thoughts that might help as you reach out to your congregation on a weekly basis.  Please accept them as my humble attempt to advance the kingdom. If you have others, please share:

1. Use websites and social media to stream worship.

It is great that these resources are available to us; however, using them to stream the same format of our worship services may not hold the congregants’ attention for an hour or more. So, do something different! Here is one sample worship order a bit less than an hour:

  • Dress as biblical characters—open the service with an invocation by Paul the Apostle, 3 min
  • Continue with a song by musician dressed as David, 4 min
  • Thank the biblical characters for helping during this crisis-welcome all to the service and invite to virtual altar prayer, 10 min
  • Proceed with musical praise of two or three songs, 15 min
  • Preach a lively, compelling sermon of hope in Jesus, 20 min
  • Extend the invitation to discipleship – request they email/text/phone to inform that they accepted the invitation (so you can continue ministering to them), 7 min
  • Encourage giving—explaining various online methods, 3 min
  • Invite them to join in singing a song
  • of hope —words posted, 4 min
  • Biblical character to identify him/herself and ask congregation to take an action; i.e., call and invite another to next online service, again express joy to workshop with them, 2 min
  • Benediction

Remember to exercise social distancing among the few participants who will be in the worship space

2. Have 30-60-minute services several times a week to keep your congregation engaged. One of the meeting platforms can be used for the services, if desired and appropriate.

  • Prayer Service –Using whatever means of communication with your congregation, let them know this will take place, for example, on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays at 11am—whatever day and time you choose. Ask congregation to send their prayer requests in advance and let them know that the requests will be read during the service (without their names) if they give their permission.  Various ministers and lay leaders can be assigned to host the prayer service so that the burden will not be on one person to do all.
  • The format for this service could be:
  • Begin the service with the host playing music very softly in the background, a welcome to prayer, invocation, and Scripture of God’s promises to hear prayers.
  • Five or six prayer requests can be read, then the prayer, another five or six followed by prayer, and so on.
  • Invite a brief testimony of answered prayer (the initial instructions will include the importance of brevity during testimonial period).
  • Bible Study – Using your normal means of communication with the congregation, send an invitation to study. Attach the study guide for the week or for the month.  Be sure to use interesting and non-boring titles for the study. Announce two a week with the content being the same each week.  For Example, Tuesday and Thursday will be Bible Study nights from 7 to 8.  Thursday will be the repeat for those who missed Tuesday.  Use a meeting platform for the study so that it can be interactive.
  • Discussion Groups – This is a good way to see what people want to discuss during this time of social distancing. Ask for their interests and frame discussions around contemporary publications that are easy and quick reads.  Invite subject-matter experts to join and talk with the discussion group.  A meeting platform is ideal for this.

3. Fundraising – This is a tough and touchy subject even during normal periods of absence from the church like summer vacation times. How do we maintain the support for the physical plant, administration, and more?  I do not have a definitive answer.  I only know from my interaction with some pastors that they have tried a few strategies.  Some work and some not.  I do know that one of the ministries in churches—the diaconate—can help with this.  So, think about the following:

  • Assign the diaconate the task of reaching each member of the congregation weekly. Forming or nurturing relationships with each member is invaluable.
  • Encourage the membership to use electronic methods for giving. Explain the opportunity to fulfill the missionary responsibilities as well as the financial obligations of the church.
  • Survey members to see who do not have the digital capability or who prefer not to use digital methods to give.
  • Use the old-fashioned method of mailings. Send offering envelopes to members who do not use electronic transactions along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

My colleagues, you know this is not business as usual.  I know you are creative and will be led by the One who is in charge of all things.  My prayer for you is that you remain strong as we weather this storm.  Jesus is on the boat!